New Mixtape: Greenwich Time

Greenwich Time by Iddopop on Mixcloud

Greenwich TimeIt’s been a great summer. Other than one week, Manhattan was never too hot or too humid. Most days were just perfect and the city felt luscious and youthful. Luckily, I was able to take it all in every day when I walked to the office from my East Village sublet. The urban jungle composed of the homeless, tourists, students, party people, Jivamukti yogis and Middle Eastern refugees gave this mixtape its aroma. Some romantic comedies that I’ve enjoyed lately (Drinking Buddies!) helped with the final touches. Enjoy!


New Mixtape: Sunglasses

Sunglasses2013 has a been a fairly slow mixtapes year so far. I had published only one but I actually created two more. One of them was titled “Black Box” and it was supposed to be the down-to-earth sequel to the optimistic “How Black Nail Polish Changed My Life“. However, after I completed version 1.0, I uploaded Black Box to my phone and listened to it too many times. Just like relationships and sandwiches, if you don’t change things up or move on  – mixtapes become stale. Sadly, Black Box was no different.

But historically summer has always  been a good mixtapes season for me. The art of pop music is so much easier and natural when you can drive around with your car windows rolled down. Even though I haven’t owned a car in years, I remember well that any summer mixtape listening experience will never be complete without the sun in my eyes and the wind in my hair.

This mixtape was also made possible due to my favorite band of the moment – Saturday Looks Good to Me. They have a new album out and it’s great. It’s like Nico teamed up with Belle and Sebastian (with a guest appearance by Damon Albarn). Yes, that good.




Saturday Looks Good to Me:

Increase Video Views and Conversion With A/B Testing

shutterstock_110350520 [Converted] is famous for many reasons. The #1 reason may be the fact that it was one of the first online stores to offer free returns, making it easy for customers to overcome the limitation of not holding the product in their hands before committing to pay for it. The #2 reason for Zappos’ fame is its use of product videos that are focused on solving the exact same problem as the free returns – helping customers shift away from the brick-and-mortar store mentality.

The results were astonishing: an increase of 6%-30% in conversion. That is significant for a company that exceeds a billion dollars in annual sales. Thus far, Zappos has produced over 200,000 product videos and is well on its way to reaching the 250,000 videos goal.

Zappos considers video to be a vital part of its marketing efforts for two reasons. “Although we have seen an increase in conversion, what’s more important is the decrease in returns we’ve noticed. Regardless of conversion and free returns, if a customer receives a product they are unhappy with – they can become disenchanted,” said Laurie Williams, Senior Manager of Photo & Video for Zappos.

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But the decision to produce videos is only one step in an organisation’s video strategy. No doubt it’s an important one, but, the way they are used to drive traffic, how they are presented on the page and the player’s performance could have a huge impact on video consumption on your website.

One of the best ways to make these decisions is by performing A/B testing: the same method that has become instrumental for UI designers and marketers in organisations such as NetflixGoogle and Amazon to examine how design impacts  user behaviour  could also work well when examining the ROI for your video investment.

Surprisingly, when it comes to video usage, A/B testing is not as common as you might think. However, there are some good examples of tests that could help you understand what factors impact video consumption and engagement.


1. Promise Videos

Video is a great way to get the customer to stay on your site longer and ultimately drive conversion. A good way to do that is by clearly communicating to the user that there are video previews available. Sometimes another word or video icon can make a big difference. For example, the site did a split testing on a sales page. As part of the test, the site tested two different versions of the same button:

1. The control was: “Next Page Read Sample of Book”;

2. Variation 1 was: “Watch Video Preview”;

3. Variation 2 was: “Watch my #1 Abs Exercise On Video”.

Variation 1:

variation 1

The best-performing variation (variation 1, see above) increased conversion by 14.18%, which clearly shows how “watching a video” is so much more attractive than reading a “sample of book”.

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What to Produce First – Viral Videos or Product Videos? Best Practices For Your Online Video Marketing Strategy (Video)

sxsw-kaltura-logo-2013_Many companies wish that their videos would go viral. There’s no doubt that you know you’ve created the ultimate marketing campaign, when your viewers do much of the distribution for you. However, most companies have a limited video production budget. So what is more important and how should they prioritize their video production queue?

Usually there are 3 options for videos:

  1. Funny, viral videos that increase brand recognition and make your company look cool and exciting.
  2. Slick product videos that help in sales pitches.
  3. Engaging tutorials to support your current customer base and demo specific features for prospects.

But it doesn’t end there. Let’s say my company chose to produce a great viral video –

  1. How do we market it?
  2. Which metadata should we use?
  3. Should we buy ads on YouTube or should we find other ways to increase views?

We asked Bettina Hein, Founder and CEO of Pixability, for her advice. Hein and her company have much experience in getting maximum views on YouTube by analyzing video analytics and other data.

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For more information take a look at this presentation that the Pixability team used for their SXSW session:

Brand Journalism – How to Do it Right (Video)

This blog post was first published at Fourth Source.

newsBrand journalism is one of the hottest trends for online marketers. With the proliferation of high-quality and inexpensive cameras and easy distribution platforms, every company can now be a media company.

However, when thinking about your marketing strategy it’s important not to focus solely on heavily branded materials like product overviews and PR collateral. Sure, it’s important to have content that explains what your products are all about, but these would most likely appeal to a small group of current and prospective customers. In order to reach a wider audience you need to zoom out from your company and create content that would interest others in your space. The goal here is not more qualified opportunities and leads. Forget about that. With brand journalism, the goal is to make people aware of your brand by creating engaging content. If done correctly, you could find new audiences and strengthen the brand’s relationship with exiting customers.

  Continue reading

Old Mixtape: Yogi’s Choice

IMG_0760You may have noticed that I take the mixtape business quite seriously. I’ve been making mixes since 1995 and it is one of my favorite ways to communicate to others around me how I feel.

More than anything, three books influenced the way I think about life and music and people and how music ties them all together. The first two were written by Nick Hornby: High Fidelity and Songbook. The third is Love is a Mixtape by Rob Sheffield. What I loved the most about those pieces was the notion that music can deeply touch our souls and alter our state of mind. Unlike books and films, music is always around us – like radio waves. So it could really transform the most random moments in our lives and also change the most random relationships.

That’s why a mixtape is a powerful tool in the tricky game called love. Hornby and Sheffield spent quite a lot of time describing how music can help make a girl fall in love with you (or at least go out with you a few more times). I have a few tricks myself and one day I may share them with you. However, Yogi’s Choice is a reminder that mixtapes can also create misunderstandings and seriously screw up healthy (platonic) relationships.

ebay_images_Onitsuka Tiger_Onitsuka-Mexico-66-yellow-blk1I first started practicing yoga in LA in December 2009. Shakti Box in Los Feliz, on the cross streets of Vermont and Franklin, is a place that has changed my life forever. I didn’t immediately get into yoga. I was never too flexible and always tried avoiding situations in which there was a strong likelihood of breaking my neck (which is to this day my #1 yoga fear). So in the first few months, what kept me going again and again was the awesome music. Some of my greatest moments with The XX, Arcade Fire, Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, Moby and others were in Shakti Box. I felt and loved those songs like never before while I was there on my mat.

My favorite teacher/DJ was Stephanie. She had yellow Onitsuka by Asics sneakers and passion for indie music. She taught Fridays afternoon and by the end of her classes the sun would be going down and Griffith Observatory was changing colors in front of my sweaty face. It was magical.

In the following couple of weeks I started assembling a mixtape for Stephanie. Now, believe me, this was nothing romantic. She had a boyfriend and I knew that. I just wanted to give her something back after all she had given me.

When I gave the mixtape to her – it was awkward. The following week I walked in to class, assuming she would tell me the mixtape was great (maybe the best mixtape she has ever heard. Maybe). But Stephanie said nothing. She hardly looked at me. Awkwardness. Finally, I stopped going to her classes.

When I listen to this mixtape today, I can not blame her. It does include the word “love” over and over again. Also, the line “come hide you lovers underneath the covers” in Arcade Fire’s Rebellion (Lies) – doesn’t help. In my twisted head I can hear this now as an open invitation to Stephanie to run away with me in her yellow sneakers. Perhaps that’s how it sounded to her too.

Yogi’s Choice is proof that mixtaps are powerful and can work in both ways. And just like Darth Vader and the force – if you use it, make sure not to abuse it.

Yogi’s Choice (February 2009). Stream it here: